Homepage Sliders Ideas - Is It Good Or Bad For Websites?


Technology is an evolving element. Hence it is wise to get rid of outdated designs and keep updated with the latest trends. Of course, every web design and development company in Chennai has the intention of keeping people engaged with their designs. However, it is essential to make sure it shouldn’t use poor design tactics that hurt user experiences.

At some point we would have seen some of the websites using sliders in their home pages. While they may give you appealing feelings, still the question is, ‘Are they really good for the site?’ Despite the fact that these sliders or carousels are a popular feature, it is considered to deliver negative impacts in website designs.

Today, let us discuss why web designing companies Chennai are insisting clients reconsider using sliders on their company sites. In addition, let us look into what they bring to the websites – both good and bad. 

So, what’s a Website Slider? 

To put in simple terms, website sliders or a rotating carousel is a set of slides on web pages, especially on homepages. They typically display images or products to demonstrate some kind of information such as promotional branding or specific content or certain images. 

 Most businesses consider these sliders as an opportunity to make people engaged. Hence that makes the reason why web design services include homepage sliders in the website designs.

Are homepage sliders outdated trends? 

Here it becomes necessary to look at the latest research and data for better knowledge. What we come to know is that sliders build poor website experiences. In addition, these image carousels which automatically rotate also stand as a bad remark for website accessibility. Since some readers need a certain period to go through the content on the slide, it is of no use if the slide passes away without the attention of the visitor. 

Furthermore, it has also been found that a huge number of visitors only interact with the first slider of the homepage. And they ignore all the other sliders. So, no matter whether you have some great information/deal on sliders, which are not going to do anything.

Besides failing to reach the viewers, there is still a more significant number of reasons to avoid sliders. There are some strong reasons why web designing in Chennai consider homepage sliders as out of date designs.

Well, before we move onto how these homepage sliders hurt user experiences and website health, let us know what makes people use them.

  • It is fairly common design layout 
  • Helps in packing a lot of content/information into a small space.
  • If you want to tell viewers a story, however you want to give vertical scrolling, sliders are good
  • Best sliders provide visitors control
  • They appear visually stunning on the web page.
  • Make your story fit into the space without cluttering it.

So, now shall we move on to the reasons why web designing services should not use homepage sliders?

1. People don’t look after the first slider

As per statistics, most of the website visitors either click the navigation or scroll down before the slides move on. It is very rare that people spare their attention on the second slide information. 

2. SEO Issues

Of course, a good web designer Chennai always encourages best SEO practices. If you look into the construction of sliders, there are many conflicting SEO issues. In most cases, sliders will be packed with high resolution images. This means it slows the site loading. Also, not all the image sliders are not mobile friendly.

3. Contains too many messages

Homepage sliders lessen the overall importance of the message and what it really means to the visitors. It is very normal among the users not to search the information into the sliders. They just click to see what’s there and move on. So, if you like to deliver something specific and hence asking your webdesign chennai to include it on sliders, it is not a good idea.

4. Costs your conversions

Ultimately, any website likes to convert visitors into customers. Though you may think that you attract visitors with many messages, actually you distract them. It is quite common for the eyes not to show much focus towards sliders. Just like an advertisement, sliders also have a similar subconscious response.

If you still think utilizing homepage sliders is a good idea, it is not advisable. We suggest adding sliders only if you really need it. Alternatively you can look for the best web design and development company in Chennai to serve your message better.

Like to get more suggestions on making your visitors engaged beyond sliders? 

We Can Help.Please Call Us +91 9677876445

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