How ChatGPT helps to speed up your website SEO Process


During the early 2000s, the SEO environment was vastly different. Instead of a scientific approach, it resembled a wilderness of sorts. Many website owners dabbled in shady practices like keyword stuffing, link farming, and content replication in their quest for optimization.

Google Panda update in the year 2011 aligned everything and this update brought about a significant transformation, turning the SEO landscape into a more regulated and civilized space. Google implemented impactful modifications that aimed to enhance the overall quality and usefulness of its search results. Aspects such as H1 headers, meta descriptions, and keyword relevance became pivotal factors. Consequently, content creators worldwide began producing superior, more targeted content that genuinely added value and assisted users. Though your SEO Company could do this for you, it’s good to know about how SEO evolves till date. 

In the current year of 2023, the landscape of SEO practices has undergone unprecedented changes. We find ourselves in the midst of a revolution where AI-generated content is reshaping everything we thought we knew about content creation, introducing a level of complexity and uncertainty that challenges established norm.

The ways ChatGPT can contribute to improving the SEO results of your business website? 

Keyword Analysis:

ChatGPT simplifies the most relevant keyword search for your services/products. It analyzes the content and suggests relevant keywords that you should consider including in the contents of your blog, article and web pages. Relevant keywords help you grab traffics to your website and add values to the content.

To know more on how keyword research helps to improve your website

Optimizing your Contents

ChatGPT now plays a great role in content marketing.It suggests optimizing your website content for search engine friendliness. It can recommend changes that enhance relevance and improve search engine rankings.

On-page optimization

ChatGPT helps optimize on-page elements such as meta descriptions,titles,headers,and other crucial components.By aligning them all with SEO features,your website’s visibility gets increased.

Technical SEO optimization

ChatGPT helps to identify technical SEO issues which impact your website’s search results, such as broken links, duplicate contents,and low site speed. Rectifying these issues ensures that your website is well optimized to score technical SEO.

Link building

This SEO factor plays a major role in retaining your website’s top position in SERP. ChatGPT finds relevant and high-quality websites for creating backlinks to your website. It is not guaranteed that the results of ChatGpt is accurate.You should work to identify the quality backlinks from the results generated by ChatGPT. Link building with quality sites helps improve your website’s DA value.A website with good DA gives you position in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Quality backlinks serve as the foundation of an effective link building strategy

By leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI’s  ChatGPT, the various aspects of your website's SEO strategy can be enhanced.As a result, you could achieve improved visibility, organic traffic, and top rankings in the SERP.

Generates code for implementing Website Schema

Prompt your schema to ChatGPT eg: I want to generate schema code for my services.  

It will generate code as below:

After getting the code, replace the placeholders with your target contents like company name, city, price, about your services.  


By providing a clear and specific prompt, you can receive targeted response from ChatGPT tailored to your specific needs. 

Request suggestions for keywords related to your target keywords

You can use ChatGPT to find other popular keywords related to your target keywords. Apart from focusing on target keywords, other related keywords also should be considered to generate traffic and increase your website ranking in the search engines result. 

If you are running a carnatic music academy, you can search as keywords related to “carnatic music classes” & you will get results as follow:

You may get new keyword ideas from the keyword list.  While ChatGPT cannot handle all the work for you, it's essential to explore the terms that align with your overall strategy and resonate with your customers. However, ChatGPT can certainly provide valuable insights and inspiration to help you steer your SEO strategy towards fresh and innovative directions.

Effective SEO strategies leverage the potential of ranking for short tail keywords, which attract significant search traffic. By achieving consistent page-one rankings for multiple short tail keywords, a website can anticipate robust and steady traffic. 

A valuable approach to initiate the ranking process is to excel in numerous related long tail keywords. By excelling the numerous related long tail keywords, you could approach a valuable initiative in the ranking process. Eg: for long tail keywords related to “carnatic music classes”

From there, you can start building content for your blogs & articles. But. remember that ChatGPT has no full access to keyword search volume. You can simplify some time consuming tasks like above for your SEO process. 

Create content centered around specific topics

Once you have got the selected keywords, you could prompt in with a specific topic. Eg. Write a few lines about carnatic music class and i'm teaching carnatic music

Like this, you could generate tailored responses. ChatGPT will be more helpful for getting content ideas. But it's not sure that the contents generated by ChatGPT will be plagiarism free. You should again personalize it to your content requirement before making it live.  

ChatGPT suggests to create a website outline 

Preparing a website outline involves organizing and structuring the content and pages of your website. Here's a short description on how to prepare a website outline given by ChatGPT


The information generated by ChatGPT is awesome. It clearly defines what you should prepare for your business’s website development. After you make everything ready, you could handover the web designing job to a professional web design company. 

Though you could get the above from the best web designers company, Chatgpt will give you an idea when you are not aware of how to initiate. 

Please note, ChatGPT will not design and develop a website for you. The answers given by it will not be 100% accurate. You should work on the answers further by prioritizing your short term and long term business goals and decide. 


Utilizing ChatGPT for SEO can be likened to having an additional team member dedicated to brainstorming ideas. The advantage is that this "employee" has instant access to a vast array of online content.

Here are some tips to help you become familiar and proficient with usage of AI-empowered ChatGPT:

  • Explore Query Formulation:

Experiment with different queries and variations to generate a wide range of ideas and insights. ChatGPT can provide valuable suggestions based on its extensive knowledge base."

  • Leverage Research Capabilities:

With access to the internet's wealth of information, ChatGPT can help you gather data and insights relevant to your SEO strategy. Use it to discover trends, gather statistics, or identify industry best practices.

Refine Content Generation:

Generate engaging and optimized content by collaborating with ChatGPT. Share your drafts or outline, seek suggestions for improvement, or request ideas for catchy headlines, meta tags, or blog post introductions.

Stay Mindful of Quality and Originality:

While ChatGPT can assist in generating content, ensure that the output meets your quality standards and remains original.Edit and review the content to align it with your brand voice and ensure it offers unique value.

Iterate and Experiment:

Continuously refine and iterate on the generated ideas and content. Experiment with different inputs, prompts, or queries to explore various angles and perspectives,allowing ChatGPT to assist you in uncovering fresh insights.

When you have your necessary website content prepared, get in touch with us to showcase your website and launch your business's online presence.

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