5 Tips to Note before booking a domain for your business


There are a lot of steps you need to take before you book a domain for your business. You need to know how many keywords you want your site to rank for, what your marketing budget will be, and so on through your website development company. If you’ve already made a decision about what your business could be called and what keywords you want to rank for, then skip ahead, use the Google Keyword Tool to research which terms are popular in search.
There is also the domain name itself- do you want something short, memorable and easy to spell? Will it be easy for people outside of the country to find? Once you have the broad strokes down, it's time to narrow in on what makes sense. For example, a company that sells shoes might want to purchase shoe-related keywords such as "sneakers," "shoes," "shop" and so on. 

1. Research about your competitors before registering 

Examine the domain names of rivals and industry titans in the clients' sectors. Take note of their domain extension and any keywords they may have with the best website development company in chennai, which are all to the right of the dot (also called a TLD). A customer running a bicycle business will probably discover pertinent domain names contain some form of the words bike, bicycle, or cycle.

2. Choose a short and brief name

Even if a website does well in searches, having a web address that customers can share through word of mouth is still vital. Due to the difficulty of visualizing and remembering domains with unusual word spellings, several hyphens or other characters, digits, and other symbols, creativity may be somewhat restricted as a result. 
Additionally, avoid using terms with many common spellings, such as ambience (which can also be spelled ambiance). If you must use one of them, try to register a second domain with that alternate spelling. Forwarding the variation to the main domain makes it simple for users to get to the website developing company in chennai without getting lost.
As we just stated, a memorable domain name is made much easier by being shortened. If the domain contains several words, individuals will need to remember each one as well as the sequence in which they appear, not to mention accurately inputting the entire thing. Although there aren't many one-word domains accessible right now, we're about to discuss a crucial method for discovering a short domain.

3. Never split the name of the domain 

Adding hyphens to your desired domain name may seem like a clever method to do it, and it is true that this practice is still used in several European nations. Unfortunately, vocal communication with them is challenging (just try saying "dash" or "hyphen" out loud). Additionally, they make it more difficult to type the domain. This could immediately have a negative impact on the User Experience (UX), aggravating the user. Even worse, they could give up completely and land on another website. Keep this in mind before you consider adding hyphens to your desired domain name. With a careful consideration of the pros and cons, make your decision on whether to use hyphens in your domain based on what is best for both you and the user experience.

4. Add Targeted Keywords to your domain

Not only is content a place for keywords. Search engines utilize the domain name of your website to interpret its content and decide its position in search results. As a result, if possible, keywords should be used. Your domain name should contain terms that are both pertinent to your website and aimed at the right audience and also think about the best web development company. The domain name should also be unique to your website and not violate the trademark of any other company. 
Combining words: Avoid combining more than one keyword (or phrase) into the domain name of your website. This will create a confused search engine and lead it to resolving your domain as a result of other keywords.Domain names should be as descriptive and clear-cut for users as possible. 

5. Domain Name should easy to spell & read

Most likely, you want your domain name to be distinctive and creative. Newness, though, isn't necessarily a good thing. You risk confusing your viewers if you change a common word's spelling to obtain the.com suffix.
Even if word-of-mouth marketing is effective, it only functions when people can correctly pronounce your domain name. Additionally, this makes the name simpler to recall, boosting the likelihood that users would visit and recommend the website to their networks.
In recent years, many companies have chosen 4-letter domain names that are simple to pronounce. This is due to the fact that domain names are not only incredibly memorable but also have the ability to maintain aftermarket value. In other words, the domain(s) can still be sold if the business fails. The c-v-c-v (consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel) pattern, a popular four-letter pattern, includes the words Snap and Meta as two examples.


A URL is the digital address of your website. It is as important as the name of your company to make a good first impression. With this in mind, you'll need to consider how easy it will be for visitors to remember and find your site. Your URL gives you an opportunity to make a good first impression. Therefore, choosing a memorable domain name is essential to the success of your website. So, if you're prepared to get the ideal domain name, keep in mind these helpful suggestions and click the button below to begin your search right away and also get support by top web development company in chennai. If you're looking for a domain name that will help with your online appearance and search rankings, check out our list of the best keyword-rich domain names for your website . 


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