Explained Differences Between Web Development And Web Design


When it comes to creating websites, you will come across the two terms – web design and web development. Though these two terms may seem similar, in fact there are certain differences between them. Of course, the major responsibilities of both the web designer and developer help to bring the online presence of businesses to live. But, how do they differ in their roles in a web design company Chennai? Find the information here. 

Doesour Website Do Good For Your Business?

Digitization has pushed many businesses to build their online presence on the internet. Actually, with a website, you can boost your business promotional activities. The modern buyers of today often make research about the business before they make any buying decisions. This insists the importance of creating strong web presences for brands. 
Whether you want your small business to grow significantly or like to break the geographic limitations, you need a website. And the good news here is most businesses understand this well. Hence they seek for the best web design company in India. However, what they don’t know is what web design and web development is. Developing some good insights on this can help them to develop a great website.

Web design – An introduction

To explain in very simple terms, the design part of a website design and development company is often involved in the work of how the website looks. In addition, it will also determine the works that the users will interact with the site. Typically, a web designer has the role of building the visual styles of the site. In fact, he/she helps to display the brand identity of the business into an attractive style and theme.

Web development – Know the basics

Web development involves all those activities that go behind the website creation scenes.  It has further two parts – front end development and backend development. In general, the web development side of webdesign chennai has activities related to the functioning of the site rather than having concerns about its look.
Coming to the different parts of development, front end developers have roles pertaining to the website visual design. They build the code. Here, in most cases, HTML is useful for structuring the site and CSS helps in dictating the visual styles & layout. Additionally Javascript is also helpful in some cases.
On the other hand, back end development has the aspects of interactions of the user with the site and advanced programming. To put simply, back end developers have concerns related to how websites work. Also, they deal with how the users interact with the website through specific functionalities.
Let us simplify the roles of designer and developer web design services in Chennai. Web design determines the image of how the business brand is going to look like. Whereas the web development involves how the design idea is going to become reality for the users.

Web design and web development – Together

For any successful website design, both website design and development are very important. Although they are two separate works, still they are connected together. Both the part of a web designer and web developer are absolutely crucial for successful outputs of a web design and development company in Chennai.
However, when speaking about the career, to become a web designer one should have the skills of visual designing. In addition, he should also have hands-on knowledge on design principles, rules, and concepts. They should also develop a comprehensive knowledge on mastering the colors.
On the other hand, web developers should have a good understanding of different programming languages. Furthermore, they should have their own specialization in the basics such as HTML and CSS. Also, they should have familiarity with how technology and code works. In addition, they also expected to have logic-based thinking capabilities.
In this rapidly advancing world, a great combination of creative web designing and analytical web development is essential. Of course, designers and developers of a web design and digital marketing company differ majorly in their roles. However, they are united in one thing. Bringing about the ideas of the business into reality! They serve the common goal of delivering amazing web projects to their clients.

Thus they work together. Do you look for help in web design and development to elevate your brand?

We Can Help.Please Call Us +91 9677876445

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