7 Tips to Speed Up Your Website Today


Slow pages are one of the most significant barriers to a site that delivers, yet mobile devices now account for the bulk of web traffic. Common faults with little or no impact on home wifi connections may cause major loading troubles on mobile.

As per Google and SOASTA's study, if a website takes over 6 seconds to load, the bounce rate increases by more than 100%, and the likelihood of sales drops by 95%.

Slow websites are not just inconvenient for consumers; they are also detrimental to the company. So, Here are some of the most common issues affecting loading speeds, as well as seven ideas for optimizing your website with the help of a website designing company and least effort.

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Top Issues Affecting Page Speed and What You Can Do About It

1.    Images in Excessive Size

The first step toward a high-performing website is to upload optimized and web-friendly photographs by contacting the right Chennai web design company. Oversized photos significantly influence page size, which slows things down. The best practice is to use the following components to establish the perfect balance between image size and quality:


Image compression makes pictures smaller and more web-friendly. High-resolution print-quality photographs seldom seem better on websites because ordinary HD displays display visuals at a lower pixel density than print.

Make sure all picture files are less than 150KB. You may compress a picture in Photoshop by selecting "Save for Web" or by utilizing an online compression application such as tinyjpg or compressor.io.


Keep picture proportions as nearly the size required for a typical HD laptop screen as possible. Uploading huge photos and resizing them with CSS is a poor practice since CSS rules do not crop images or reduce file size. For example, I've seen 4000 × 4000 photos shown in a 400 x 400 area with CSS restrictions. This is not acceptable.

Export your photographs in size you want them to show on your site. To get the correct requirements for your image, use a regular HD screen as a benchmark.


It is critical to select the best format for your photographs. A JPG may be the best option in many circumstances, but only sometimes. Consider the following suggestions before deciding on a format:

  •   SVG is suitable for logos and huge backdrops.
  •   GIF is the most used animation format.
  •   JPG is preferable for images, screenshots, and related content.
  •    PNG is ideal for images with great detail and transparency, but it also works well for logos and flat graphics.
  •   WebP files are smaller than other bitmap formats and offer transparency.

Make sure you use the right image format for each use case. Consult with your web designer company in Chennai about it. 

2.    Caching of resources

When your browser produces a website, it must download all of the content required to show the page correctly. HTML, CSS, JavaScript files, and any graphics or video on a website are all included. Downloading these files every time a visitor sees a page might be inconvenient and harm site performance.

Web browsers may keep content from previously viewed pages in a local folder called cache and retrieve it when needed. Returning users benefit greatly from this since they do not have to download the same stuff again. Through a file called .htaccess in your site's root directory, you may regulate caching for your site and how long resources should be saved in a browser's cache.

Caching is accessible for browsers; it may also be used on the server side. This implies that your server has a cached website version and can fetch data faster. This is most appropriate for high-traffic websites.

Set up browser caching aggressively. For static resources such as pictures, you can choose a 1-year expiration by contacting the top web design company in Chennai.

3.    Compression of Code

To properly display a page, a browser must read every single line of code. Poor coding methods can negatively influence various aspects of the user experience, including page load time. Google Page speed Insights displays the recommended coding methods for avoiding site speed concerns, such as:

Gzip Compression

Minimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files aids in the prevention of rendering delays. This procedure eliminates or simplifies superfluous code, such as white spaces, comments,  indentation, and rules. Multiple CSS or JavaScript files can also be concatenated into a single file to make browser downloads quicker. 

Reduce the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. CSS Compressor and JS Compress are two free web tools for minifying code.

Minifying Coded Files

Together with minification, Gzip compression should be configured on your server. Gzip is a file format as well as a method for compressing files on a web server, making them significantly smaller. Gzip, in essence, improves HTML, CSS, and JavaScript delivery by compressing files before delivering them to browsers. This approach can cut the amount of data to download by up to 70%. Gzip compression, like caching, is handled via .htaccess files.

Check that Gzip compression is enabled on your web server. If it is not enabled, make changes to your .htaccess file or contact your hosting provider or best web design company in India.

4.    Render Blocking Elements

Another example of poor practice is sending CSS and JavaScript as render-blocking components. A render-blocking (or parser-blocking) element is a script or stylesheet that prevents your website from rendering visually until the asset has been completely downloaded.

The extensive use of these affects site performance since you will see either a "blank" page or a half-page, depending on where it is positioned. While certain files, such as your primary stylesheet, must be render-blocking, most assets may be converted to non-render-blocking components. 

Loading asynchronously

In the case of.js files, By changing the JavaScript execution mode from "sync" to "async," these files may be read concurrently without affecting the code parsing.

Delayed loading For .css and.js files

Increase performance by postponing the loading of Javascript and CSS, which minimizes the initial page load time. This is accomplished by including script and stylesheet references at the bottom of the HTML content, immediately before /body>. You may also delay the execution of some scripts into an external file that will be invoked after your page has been entirely displayed.

Avoid using a lot of scripts and, instead, postpone Javascript execution or utilize asynchronous loading. If your website has a lot of scripts, you may eliminate some of them or replace them with static content in your mobile version.

5.    Response Time of the Server

If you followed all of the rules for creating a fast website, but your pages are still slow to load,  Your Time-to-First-Byte may be the answer (TTFB). This is an important metric that assesses your web server's responsiveness. Technically, it is the time elapsed between when a user's browser sends an HTTP request and when the server provides the first byte of data.

The browser can download assets as soon as it receives the first byte. The longer your server waits to react, the later a page will start to appear. A decent TTFB should be at most 0.5s on average, according to Web Page Test as well as other prominent testing tools. Remember to keep an eye on your TTFB at all times.

Maintain a TTFB of roughly 0.5 seconds. If your site's Time-To-First-Byte is greater than one second, consult with your hosting provider or consider switching hosting plans.

6.    IP sharing

Many basic hosting plans make use of shared IP addresses. This implies that one IP address is shared by several websites on the same web server, causing delays as the server locates the correct page to display. There are two alternatives:

Purchasing a dedicated IP address so that the IP address corresponds to your website
Use a CDN.

Get a dedicated IP address and host your website on a CDN. The ROI frequently justifies the additional expenditure.

7.    Redirect Chains

A redirect chain is a link that initiates a series of 301 redirects to the real live page that has been relocated many times. This might sometimes result in a loop that prevents your browser from finding the path. This is well acknowledged as a problem for SEO since it reduces link equity, but it also has an impact on page load by making numerous HTTP/HTTPS queries. The result will be comparable to a slow TTFB, with a blank screen for a few seconds before the page begins to load.

The most effective technique to repair a redirect chain is to connect the original source to the chain's most recent point. BFO may give a list of redirect chains as part of its thorough SEO assessment.


As one of the web design and development company in Chennai, we take great pride in our service; consider contacting us for better insights. Has Tips to Speed Up Your Website helped you understand more about this topic? What is your take on this? Let us know by contacting us. 


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