Mobile Responsive Website - Stay competitive in the Industry!


Website is the key point to survive in the Digital Marketing driven Internet world. For businesses, a website is indispensable & requires improved and competitive performance always to generate enquiries, sales using digital marketing. If you want to know the very basic reason for having a website apart from Digital Marketing, it’s the Online Presence of your business in the search engines. Just an ordinary website can’t play its role competitively better online. Yes, it should be a trendy feature with the best web design company in Chennai.

Responsive website design changes the layout to offer an optimal experience based on the device they use, especially ideal for mobile viewing. Websites that are not optimized for smaller screens will experience a decline in their search engine rankings. Meaning, you are not going to be visible online. Do you know over 60% of searches come from mobile devices?

So ensure that your website offers a tailored experience to the users irrespective of whatever the device they use with a reputable responsive web design company in Chennai and bring your website into the modern age.  This will make sure that your website has the tools and features needed to grow your organization.

Why should Websites be Mobile & Search Engine Friendly?

Google has started filtering out non-mobile friendly websites and giving priority to mobile responsive websites. Desktop version websites will not be compatible for mobile devices. i.e. it will not be easy to browse with smart devices. Most people are available with mobile devices only & they will use mobile to search for their need. Where there is a will there's a way! Likewise you should be there where your target audience is! If your website is not user friendly, they will just go back and land on your competitor website who has a mobile friendly website. SEO friendly websites will be compatible with Search Engines and give you possibility of receiving local enquiries without SEO but with Google My Business To make your customer recognize that you are updated with Latest Trends and so they will think that they reached the right company for their requirement. Being competitive in the industry starts from trendy web technologies of web design companies in Chennai that includes Mobile and SEO friendly website Non-mobile friendly eCommerce websites lose sales through mobile devices & slowly losing the customers to competitors. Websites designed a decade ago have Flash Contents & mobile devices do not support flash contents. In the flash only, there will be a navigation menu to go from one page to another. So, people will have no way to move to another page and just come out from the website.

Most entrepreneurs moved for the most advanced version for their business with MOBILE APP for their customers’ delight. But still having a non-mobile friendly website is indirectly affecting your sales and improves the same for your competitors. The market is revolving around the mobile users & moving towards digital marketing. For that, Mobile responsive website from a leading web design company in Chennai is a base with which you can make any type of online marketing work effectively.

Why does Google recommend Responsive websites?

Google always prefers websites that are responsive. Responsive websites have one URL and a similar HTML that eases the Google to index, crawl and organize the content. With content that lives in a single URL and one website makes it substantially easier for the customers to interact with and share the content, rather than linking to the web content that is on different websites.

You can’t expect your visitors to stay on your website, if they are not comfortable at navigating the website effectively. Since their dwelling time (staying time) on your website is a major ranking factor of Google search algorithm for a specific search query, responsive designs from a popular web design company in Chennai make their stay long with improved user experience.

As Google is aimed to satisfy visitor’s search queries, the better the user experience your website offer with ease of navigation, you can expect increased in conversions and repeated visitors to your website.

If your website has two URLs with the same content (in case of non responsive website design), it will cause Google to flag a website due to duplicate content issues. Although they have two separate URLs, still Google will see the content as duplicate when it crawls the website. This will impact sites on your ranking and make it lower than your competitors RWD counterparts and potentially help them.
When there are millions of mobile users there are, not having a responsive design will have those users leaving in masses. If you have RWD from a prominent web design company in Indai, your website will have an increased website’s bounce rate which Google heavily considers when ranking a website. 

Benefits for your business with Responsive website

Future Scalability

Responsive design gives you the best chance to support newer devices and screens that are coming in the future. With fluid, scaling up or down as needed to fit the screens allows us to meet those new devices to whatever screen sizes they throw at us.

Positive User Experience

Data shows with responsive websites visitors have positive user’s experiences and are more likely to buy a product or use a service.

Lower Maintenance

 Instead of maintaining websites for both desktop and mobile versions and creating content strategies, responsive websites from a well-known web design company in Chennai allows having a cohesive vision across all platforms.

Improved your SEO efforts

Responsive website designs have greater chances of ranking high in search engine results. Its approach of user focused experience and high-quality content could increase the dwell time of visitors and thus makes them stick to your website for the long run.

Prevents bounce rate

If anyone visits your website whatever the device they come from, they should have a good impression. If they have to zoom, scroll, shrink or pinch the screen for viewing your information, then they are likely to leave your website immediately, which will increase your bounce rate. Responsive web design from a famous web design company in Chennai saves you from those frustrations and avoids the loss of potential customers.

Favored by Google 

Since Google is the most well known search engine for your potential clients, it is always recommended to stick to what Google says. Responsive website design is favored by Google as it can offer improved search results for those who are making searches through their mobile devices. So RWD is the best way to deal with your target clients.

So what are you waiting for?

Adapt the modern approach of responsive website design through a leading web design company in Chennai for designing your website and make your web pages render well on a variety of devices and r different screen sizes.

Reach us / Call us +91 9677876445

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