Website Footers That Will Set The Web Design World In 2022


If you look at the classic web design principles, those at the bottom of the web page have the least importance. In fact, this makes most to get convinced of not paying emphasis to the bottom part. This causes the footer portion of the website to remain as an overlooked area. However, it really deserves a great attention. Do you know why? 

Let our web design and development company in Chennai share here what footer should include, along with its importance. 

Footer on a website

Typically,a website will have three major parts

  1. A header that welcomes the visitors, present at the top of website
  2. Steps into the main content
  3. A footer at the part of website 

Most businesses give least attention to the website footer. Moreover, they consider this area as the place to dump content that couldn’t fit anywhere. This includes placing information such as sitemap, copyright, and social media buttons.

But, did you know? More than 80% of visitors take a look at the content below the fold thrice the content above. On knowing this, it is clear that you should consider the best web design company in Chennai. Want to know why? Because, it’s the time to make the footer more valuable than just adding a privacy policy or a contact information.

The importance of footers

Are you filled with a question that so much attention is going around click through rate (CTR), does footers really have their role in a website? Our answer is Yes. 

If you have truly understood the importance of having a footer in the website design, then you should know its significance as well. 

Imagine your website visitor scrolls down the web page. He/she browses the bottom part of the website. Unless there is a magnetic force that can impress or ignite him/her to click the links there, it is of no use. Hence is the reason why you should seek the right website design company in Chennai to optimize footer.

It would surprise you if you know the below fact.

If well optimized, website footers have the potential of improving conversions by 23%. In addition, it helps in increasing the revenue per visitor by 16%.

What should the website footer include?

So, now you have gained knowledge on the importance of designing a right footer. Despite the fact that footer is a crucial part of web design, what it should really contain. Here are the essential elements that will make up the perfect footer. Don’t forget at this stage, to make a flawless footer design, you need the right web designing in Chennai.

1. Information about business

You always can’t expect the visitors to land on your web home page. Especially, if they visit via social media, they may reach some other pages of a website. In such scenarios, where they land besides the home page, footer is the area to make them informed. Here you can see the footer part as the space to let the visitors have a quick snippet about the business.

2. Logo and brand imagery

  Just similar to the top navigation, it is also important that web designing services include rand imagery in the footer navigation. It is a good opportunity to create a value for the logo with the brand once again at the page end.

3. Email Sign-Up Form

Are you intended to keep up the visitors with promotional offers? Or do you like to make them your people by making them subscribe? An email sign up form is a brilliant tool to use here.

Indeed, visitors scrolling the bottom of the web page are most likely interested in communicating with the business. So, make the footer wise by including an email sign up form with the web design services.

4. Clear site navigation

The website footer is an excellent place for visitors to know about the details of the products that business offers. In most cases, footer links can be the best robust extension of main navigation. This helps visitors to navigate around the site and know more about the company.

5. Call-to-action

If you like adding value to the site without going too much into a detailed value, add a powerful CTA at the footer. A clear call-to-action encourages visitors in taking desired action.

So, it is the time for you to seek a right web design and development company in Chennai and optimize website footer. Understand that this narrow space has a lot of scope for improvement. Realize that and start providing the deserved value for your site.

Looking for better results from your website footer?

We Can Help.Please Call Us +91 9677876445

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