Mobile App Vs Mobile First Website: Which Is The Best Choice For Your Ecommerce Development?



So, as you know and you are in mobile era! It is very well aware of the fact by the business organizations that they have to embrace the mobile strategy to accommodate with new standards of mobile experience that is expected by the users. The well developed web design companies in Chennai keep pace by introducing their new approaches like mobile app and mobile first web design. What is the difference between mobile first website design and mobile applications? Which could be better for your ecommerce website development?

Read on to understand about the differentiation and application of both. In this blog, we will try our best to make your decision better by detailing what mobile apps and mobile websites do for your online businesses.

Mobile first web design – A new approach to optimize the mobile user experience

If you haven’t heard about the term mobile first website development or if you think it is just like same as the responsive website design, experts of web development company will be the right person to give you clarification on that. Before moving to what is mobile first website, let us explicate both of these buzzwords so that you gain clarity and determine whether a mobile first strategy is right for your brand. 

Responsive website design - Responsive web design commonly refers to a website that automatically adjusts to the screen size of any device. Responsiveness is meant to be a feature of a website page and an outcome from specific web development company techniques.

Whereas mobile first website design is the concept of design upgrade from a smart phone level to desktop and laptop versions. In simple, it is exactly as the phrase sounds. It is the methodology of web design companies to design for the mobile devices and then scaling up to larger screens thus ensuring right user experience to right screens. 

Today most of the people use their smart devices to look and purchase the products or services. To grow your ecommerce website business, the recommendation from reputed ecommerce website Development Company in Chennai is to keep hold of your positive business brand image; you need a website which is mobile optimized. When we speak about mobile first website here, it is all about optimal user experience and page speed.

Have you noticed around you when you are in crowd or public places? You could see most of the people were busy with their little glowing screens. So it is absolutely makes mobile first web design principle essential to your business if you want to succeed in your business marketing in today and upcoming days.

Mobile first website is an independent technical approach of building websites in the strategy of modern web development companies. Unlike building a website for the screens of larger devices primarily in responsive design, this technique put a smaller smart phone screen in the heart of the web development strategy. Thus it brings the primary focus on the design elements that bear the major importance for ecommerce store and audience.


ecommerce web development company in chennai


How do mobile first web design companies give your online store an instant advantage?

Adapting the trending concept of mobile first strategy, web design and development companies present you the most relevant content to diverse devices at incredible website speed. Your ecommerce website can respond with customized layouts in real time. 

When your website design starts from smallest to largest screen, it is referred as progressive enhancement. As a evolving business entrepreneur you know progressive method makes you stay in a stronger foundation that strengthen the user experience for getting the information they need quicker from any of the devices.

In this strategy, all those aspects related to products, brand and website will take care at the initial stages by the ecommerce website development companies. So a stronger focus is put on modules and core functions that are fully integrated into the website. This will eliminate the unnecessary time and energy in programming.

Think differently with more than a responsive website design

It was before the web design companies put forth their concentration on mobile design secondary, start with desktop design and then slimming down to smaller screens. But here comes the new way of embracing the mobile users with a graceful enhancement approach that starts with designing for mobile devices first.  This makes it even better every step of way.

The great major search engine Google too wants to see that your ecommerce mobile website design is as informative as desktop one. 

Using the mouse for clicking on a desktop website is more precise than using your fingers on mobile devices. You could have come over a website where elements are too small and close together and finally you may have end up clicking on the wrong elements. Hasn’t that frustrated you? Then think of your online users!

Of course responsive design is a great strategy followed yet in web development companies, but we have to pass on and say good bye to those method of designing multiple websites to fit into various screen sizes. With the new trend of mobile first design, provide your online store users a positive and value added experience regardless of the devices they use. 

Mobile app – Does your brand need a mobile app development? 

Mobile applications are entirely different from a company’s website and are often considered as an extension of business brand by professional ecommerce website development companies. You company’s mobile app can deliver a new branding experiment and the better way to move in growth as it is another channel for engagement.

It seems that more and more businesses are looking into the ways to capitalize on the growing trend by building their own mobile application for their online store. But is it really needed for your business? 

Most of the corporate businesses and brands are developing their applications in order to further their business goals in their financial year. As it could elevate the marketing efforts, they are interested and involved in crafting the applications that their customers will love. 

People are moving towards to their smart phones and devices when they search or their required information on the web. When almost everything is about the app simple purchasing to huge money transfer, app is an essential element in the business strategy. Hence businesses should not miss this great opportunity for addressing through web design company for half of the audience group who are on smart devices. 

With being mobile industry booming like ever before, it is worthwhile for every business to invest on mobile apps to endorse their products and services, this is the words spelled by ecommerce website development company in Chennai. However it is very crucial to think of the purpose of your applications before you plan to build your mobile apps. Consecutively for developing a useful app, it is vital for a business to decide whether to create a mobile website or mobile application. Continue reading to get an idea of what type of direction you must move ahead.


mobile app development company in chennai


Mobile App vs. Mobile first design – What to choose to win the battle?

So you have gone through all the points that are related with mobile applications and mobile first design websites. Now you could be aware of the unique features associated with them. Armed with this information, now you are ready to think of determining the best answer for the question app vs. website to reach out to the customers. However let us clarify on few points on adapting the strategy and deciding on better approach for your business with the aid of web Design Company.

For those who think there doesn’t exist much difference between the two, we have the different answer, it is. Here we are not going to tell you which can be a better choice for you, but wants to make you understand the difference and need and the final decision is in your hands. Who else can be the better person to know your needs than you?

Developing both channels can seem to be a costly affair, especially if you are in startup stage. Since with the dawn of smart phones this have become more tolerable and usable when you have your business mobile applications. However while entering to the business world; your mobile first website design is becoming mandatory, so is the view of web development companies. With gradual surges in the business growth cycle, mobile apps can open a new revenue stream and bring better service to your valued customers.

The shift in user behaviors in the fast moving internet mobile world, it is an opportunity for the developing ecommerce business brands to expand their mobile strategies beyond a mobile friendly website through a prominent ecommerce website development company.

As an ecommerce business owner, your goals may differ and define the need among app or website. Indeed, there are situations where you can get benefit from both of the options. The foremost thing to consider is cost efficiency. If you are unable to invest in both simultaneously, the ideal one is to have your mobile first website design in the way of establishing your online presence. As a secondary part, you can serve the customers with customer specific mobile applications on climbing the growth ladder by means of your web design company who served in your initial growing stages.

So who can be the winner in the app vs. mobile website competition? Honestly, there is no definite answer for this question. You may think an app could serve your mobile users in a better way. But the professionals and experts would suggest you that mobile first website design is the prior need of an app to reach a greater and broader audience in the initial stages of business cycles.

Above all, for the ecommerce business owners, you should be well known of the fact that customers changes their comfort and convenient channels when browsing. So offering them the right medium at the right time gives you an opportunity to steal the ROI. Hire the skilled ecommerce website development company and make your continual successful steps to get the channels at right intervals and as needed for your success.



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