Principles That Your Web Design Needs To Make It Exceptional


Now a question may arise in your mind. Doesn’t usability come first? Actually, it is. Though the appearance entices the users, the usability represents the entire purpose of your website design. Still have confusion concerned with the impact of user design? Just read ahead. You will be known to draw the borders of wonderful user experience. 

Core elements that are involved in user experience

  • When a user arrives to the website, he must reach easily, access whatever he wants in the web contents without hurdles and complete the desired task. Established web design companies consider a flow in entire website structure that maintains a smooth experience to users throughout the website. 
  • The modern websites are designed to cope up with differently able people also. There are accessibility standards that conform to assist those who have disabilities like visually impaired, hearing impaired etc.
  • One of the most important things that are compelling in website design is to build credibility among people. The trust you create with people is the way to convert your visitors into prospects. Addressing concerns like security, credible information in your website can create a sense of credibility towards your business.
  • Your website content should be produced in such a way that is easy to read and in digestible format so that the users find it useful with ease of access.
  • The user experience you give to them can be said as best when you can create a bond between the visitors and your website. The experience they have on navigating your website should be beyond the usual level and should be something that makes return more!
  • Targeting all the audience can’t be a wise decision when building your website structure. You should focus on a specified group that is relevant to your business, thus making the efforts of web design companies easier for that group to navigate flawlessly. 

So what is the best time to plan for making things to achieve usability? Answer is very simple! Right before everything! Wondered? Yes! All your question and answers, findings about your purpose and audience will give a perfect shape to your website users.

What does the secret involved behind creating a good website design?

Your website architecture involves the efforts and works of different professionals who are expertise in each area. Considering how users are going to get around your website and stick to it during the website building will ensure consistency in designing. We have outlined some of the must have principles that makes your website great in appeal and user interface and also quenches the most important purpose of your website, DRIVE SALES!

Simple website design

What will be the answer for best web design? Guess? When you give your ears to experienced web design companies, most probably the answer will be ‘Keep it simple’. When you put too many web elements into the design, it will move the website visitors get distracted from the main point and make them frustrated too. Neat, clean and fresh design will not only give great appeal to the users but also let them move freely and seamlessly between the web pages.

 What are the determining elements of a web design?

  • The basic aim of any website is to cater the needs of the user. Designing each web page considering such requirement and needs in mind will make the user to find your website the most effective one.
  • Organize the website information and contents in a well communicating manner by using bulletins, headlines and sub headlines. When you are able to make the user stay in website, you are half the way to make them as customers.
  • Don’t go choosing the fonts by its style. Determine the style with the easiness of user to read it. You may wish to see stylish patterns in your website. But if no can read what is the use of choosing that great fonts? Choose for the fonts that can keep your design streamlined.
  • Spend time with your web design company in picking the color palette that goes a long way in enhancing your website experience. Creating a balance and harmony in choosing the colors is most critical to give your website a modern and uncluttered appeal.
  • Go for grid based layouts to make the users find the information they look for easily. If you place the contents randomly, it may make your design messy.

Quality imagery and video elements

As you know and frequently crossed the terms, images and videos can make or break your website design. Nothing will make your efforts go ruin like amateurish videos and images. When you choose right images that can better describe your brand identity, it can help you in brand positioning and get connected with target audience. If you are unable to find the perfect ones for your business, you can get the assistance from the professionals of your web design company to have the images that can lift the look of your website. 

How to use images effectively for boosting brand imagery?

  • Images that are meant to merely fill up the white spaces in the web pages won’t help your brand or business.
  • If you are intended to include images in your web page, it should have a purpose and should serve that.
  • Ask yourself whether the images will impress your users and make them respond to it. If yes, go for including those images at the appropriate places.
  • Cases and studies say that images of real people are more persuasive. Hence if you are going to add testimonials in your website design, don’t forget to add the real people instead of purchasing or choosing randomly from the web.
  • When you are busy in adding images, do remember the point it is simultaneously important to guide the visitor to use them.
  • Addressing imagery in the early part of your design strategy is recommended as best practices for effective web design.
  • Picking the images that are pertinent to your target audience, business and marketing goals will add value to your company.
  • Using informative images rather than decorative ones will guide the users towards the content.
  • As images are powerful communication tools, when you are capable to pick up your right images you can build trust with your visitors.


Navigation in web elements is nothing but is about how people easily take action and move around the website. The primary principle in the website usability says that website must have intuitive structure and is simple to understand for the users. The website navigation should be structured free from cognitive loads so that the visitors don’t wonder how to move from a web page to another.

Website navigation – Ultimate guide for best practices

  • A good navigation is a channel to increase your conversion rate and revenue generation. Hence it is considered as one of the most critical aspects of user experience design.
  • Your website should communicate effectively to the visitors or users as if you are speaking directly.
  • The ultimate goal of any web design company regarding navigation is to facilitate the customers in way finding around the website. Top and side menus, scrolling menus, drop downs and thumb zone menus are common menu types. Find the one that your audience is most accustomed in using.
  • We recommend limiting the mobile navigation to four to eight items on the top level for best practice. If your website navigation has to include more items, a vertically oriented navigation that is activated from a menu icon is the wisest option.
  • Ensure the navigation is not a vague list of headings. If the user doesn’t understand what they can expect from each menu, they would rather leave the pages.
  • You could not expect all the users to make the moves to other web pages from the lading page on their own. Help them out, look for the ways to guide them forward to the website pages.
  • You may be tempted to add pages as you grow in your business. But your entire goal is to help the web surfers navigate easily. Keeping menus shorter and giving them more option will make easier for the users to understand and find what they are looking for.

The right words

Now you have chosen your brand new design, right images and ready with great navigation. It is the time to fill your website with right words. Make users and purpose as forefront when you are crafting the contents for your website. Ensuring that website visitors are able to understand every word and phrase and heading without difficulty will drive them towards your business goal.

How website contents can inspire users to go deep?

  • You may have killer ideas for great contents in your website, if it is not relevant to your audience, it doesn’t make any sense.
  • Web design companies consider the contents are said to be best and excellent if it is customer centric. When it is served in an informative, interesting and organized fashion, it can allure your audience.
  • Good contents are regarded as the factor that apart the businesses in the digital world.
  • The key for producing greater contents is utilizing the keywords properly and build the content around that in clear and rich manner.
  • When your potential customer lands on your home page, you should concisely communicate to them the information they are seeking.
  • Write the contents in a concise manner in shorter sentences and break up the larger sections into simple blocks for easy reading and understanding.
  • The most you can do to ease your audience is by giving exactly what for what the information they are looking for.
  • Not all the visitors of website have the intention of buying the product. This is where your website content needs to be well researched and tailored to interact with them to address the specific concerns of the targeted segment.

Compatible to mobile devices

Since majority of users access the internet through their mobile devices, designing a mobile responsive website design is becoming mandatory aspect of any website design. If you are not sure whether your website is compatible with responsiveness, you can use Google mobile website tester to check for this. In case if it is not responsive, you should thrive for mobile first design by hiring a professional web design company.

Crucial business advantages of responsive website design

  • You may have a website that appeared great to the audiences a decade ago. But now it is mobile age. Maintaining a separate mobile website may require additional testing and support. Responsive design which is familiar for its ‘One design fits for all’ is the best solution for this.
  • In this world where your website is visited from different devices and sizes, best support is required to make the website work well regardless of the device they visit. When your website is responsive, it gives consistency to the visitors across all the devices.
  • The best thing about responsive web design is that it gives the best chance to support newer future devices and screens. Responsive websites are fluid, can be scaled up when needed to best fit the screens that are being used to access the website.
  • Responsive and mobile friendly web design provides a much better user experience to the visitors. Hence, more likely they will stick around the website for a longer period and explore different areas of the website.
  • Knowing of traffic generation and how users interact with the website is necessary to make continual improvements. Having responsive website simplifies the monitoring process of maintaining multiple devices.

Guidelines for successful website design process

  • Start your website design project with a business purpose in mind. You should rank all the elements of your website with your web design company based on the business objective.
  • Try to avoid offering more options in your website, more the number of options the difficulty the user faces. For making a better design, you have to focus on eliminating distracting elements from the design strategy.
  • The ultimate goal of any visitor to find the information, hence ensure your website is able to communicate effectively. Work on tricks that establish effortless communication between eh visitors and website.
  • Think and work on page loading times effective by optimizing images and videos, combining codes and minifying HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
  • Creating a successful design depends on the visual hierarchy. It is nothing but the order in which eyes moves and perceives the things on seeing. Prioritize the web elements and arrange them in the order so that the user first sees what is most important and then moves onto the others.
  • A right amount of white space makes a web design neat and clean. Yet it doesn’t mean less content. Just need to know how to communicate clearly by using that white space wisely.
  • A great web design is incomplete without strong and clear call to actions. It should in such a way that encourages visitors and make it easy to take the next step.
  • There still lies a popular belief that great design needs fancy graphics. It is not so. Graphics may be beautiful add-ons for your web visual message. You need to ensure with graphics that suits well for your website design, if not let it be left out.
  • Handle the errors and website on-screen descriptive messages efficiently; this is because right display of error messages improves user experience and overall usability of the website.

Make your website great

Always put yourself into the shoes of the website visitors and keep their needs in mind with every step of the way. Your business has a unique entity and personality. That personality should be described and demonstrated in your web design. Every piece of the website elements must fit together seamlessly to create a cohesive appearance that serves to support the appeal of your brand. 

Keep the aforementioned principles while designing the website; you can develop an aesthetic and functional website easily. Without a right companion of professional web Design Company, it will be difficult to travel a long path. Choose the right partner; maintain the visitor footsteps and customer interest and make your moves in the way to succeed.

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